Uncategorized - posted on 30 May 2014 by

Serious Stuff

I’ve been going back and forth on whether to post this or not, as it’s the kind of thing that’s likely to make a few people unhappy.  On the other hand, some people are always going to be unhappy about something.

Recently, an artist featured in this film published an open letter addressing fans who have been posting negative comments and personal attacks against her.  Much of this seems to be related to her reaction to fans who were asked to refrain from doing certain things but chose to ignore those requests.  This included unwanted touching, and other invasions of personal space that they felt entitled to.

Meanwhile, earlier this week a guy killed 6 people because he felt women were denying him physical attention that he also felt entitled to.

This is NOT OK.

No woman owed him anything and likewise, no artist owes the fans more than the show on stage. To expect or even demand more demonstrates a lack of respect and understanding as to the nature of the relationship.

Would these same expectation and demands be made of male performers?  Unlikely.

Would the comments be as patronizing, hateful, and misogynistic towards male performers?  Again, unlikely.

This film was never intended to be some grand feminist manifesto; it’s a celebration of music and the performers who make it.  But this is too important to let slide, because these behaviors are NOT OK.

When differing cultures meet, challenges can arise from differences in expectations.  That’s normal.  But once someone draws a line and is clearly discomforted with certain situations or behavior, to continue with those is at best, rude; at worst, possibly criminal.

…If a dinner guest turns out to be vegetarian would you insist that they eat meat?

…If a non-drinker is having fun at a party, would you force alcohol on them?

It’s possible to disagree and still be civil.

It’s possible to express disappointment without resorting to personal attacks.

When someone falls in the pit, you pick them up again. Respect the artists, respect the scene, respect your fellow fans and remember we’re in this together.
